FACTS are delighted to have received a cheque for £500 from David Boswell, Grand Superintendent of the Suffolk Provisional Chapter of Freemasons.
David was accompanied by Kostas Pavlides, the Steward and Almoner of the Felixstowe Chapter of Freemasons. Presenting the cheque, Mr Boswell said,
We are very pleased to offer our support to such a worthwhile cause. FACTS provides a very necessary service to residents of Felixstowe and the surrounding villages.
Pictured Left to Right:
Kostas Pavlides – Steward and Almoner – Freemasons Felixstowe Chapter No. 2371, Caroline Hazell – Director and driver Volunteer of FACTS,
David Boswell- Grand Superintendent- Freemasons Suffolk Provincial Chapter,
Jan Howells – Fund Raising Supervisor and office Volunteer – FACTS,
Keith Sale - Chairman & Director and driver of FACTS,
Bryan Boreham – FACTS Operations Manager.