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FACTS Passenger and Local Poet publishes...
One of our regular passengers, Sarah Caddick, has written and recently published a book of poetry. Sarah has been writing poetry since the age of five.
"I find that poetry is a wonderful therapy for e...
22 Apr, 2019

Donations boost vehicle replacement prog...
We are very fortunate and hugely grateful for the terrific support we enjoy from a range of individuals, groups, associations, clubs, companies and the Town Council.Here's some exciting news on recent...
03 Apr, 2019

Obituary - Chris Wheddon
We are sad to report that Chris Wheddon, who was on the Board of Directors between 2006 and 2013 and served as our Chairman, died on 13th October 2018 having succumbed to Motor Neurone Disease.During ...
21 Oct, 2018

Annual General Meeting
A reminder that our AGM will take place on Monday 2 July 2018at the Old Felixstowe Community Centre in Ferry Road, starting at 7.45pm.
31 May, 2018

Trading Places
One of our Directors and volunteer driver, Caroline Hazell, is experiencing FACTS from a rather different perspective at the moment, after a slip on a mountain path in Fuerteventura left her with a br...
31 May, 2018

FACTS among Mayor's Charity benficiaries...
At the Annual Town Meeting at Felixstowe Academy on Wednesday 9th May, Felixstowe Town Mayor, Cllr Nick Barber announced that a total of £17,346 had been raised in support of his three chosen chariti...
14 May, 2018

Obituary - Pat Moody
We were very sorry to hear on Friday morning that Mrs Pat Moody, had passed away during Thursday night. Pat was a resident at Margery Girling House in Old Felixstowe and was a long-standing custome...
10 Dec, 2017

All in a Night's Work
FACTS vehicles are not regularly on the road at night but occasionally our passengers want some nightlife, and we try to respond where we can.
I recently went to pick up a relative of one of our regul...
20 Nov, 2017